Saturday, April 4, 2015

The General Women's Session of the April 2015 General Conference

The General Women's Session of the April 2015 General Conference If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Marc Allen Publisher - New World Library 

Marc Allen Publisher - New World Library Mark Allen Author Mark Allen Story Your brain is the most powerful super computer in your life. Every successful person is programming their supper comupter in magical ways even if they don't know why they are so successful and call it luck. True principle are everlasting, the process of creating actually happens twice. First, when you create the thought in your brain and second, when you actually do the thought in your real life. What are you doing each day to program your brain? If you're not programming your brain on purpose, then who is programming it for you? Someone is programming it, you now have a choice to choose your programming information. Search and learn from the best teachers. If you look for it, you will find it. If you look for bad, you find bad. If you look for good, you find good.

April 2015 General Conference - Saturday Sessions

April 2015 General Conference - Saturday Sessions General conferences are the semiannual worldwide gatherings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Church members gather to receive guidance and encouragement from Church leaders  If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bully Proofing You - Jeanie Cisco - live on purpose radio

Bully Proofing You - Jeanie Cisco -  In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paulis joined by Jeanie Cisco-Meth as they discuss her book Bully Proofing Youand how to deal with and overcome a variety of bullying. Your brain is the most powerful super computer in your life. What are you doing each day to program your brain? If you're not programming your brain on purpose, then who is programming it for you? Someone is programming it, you now have a choice to choose your programming information. Search and learn from the best teachers. If you look for it you will find it. If you look for bad, you find bad. If you look for good, you find good.

The Child Whisperer - Carol Tuttle - live on purpose radio

The Child Whisperer - Carol Tuttle - live on purpose radio In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paulis joined by the famous Child Whisperer. Guest Carol Tuttle is a nationally acclaimed author of several books and an expert in understanding and raising children. Your brain is the most powerful super computer in your life. What are you doing each day to program your brain? If you're not programming your brain on purpose, then who is programming it for you? Someone is programming it, you now have a choice to choose your programming information. Search and learn from the best teachers. If you look for it you will find it. If you look for bad, you find bad. If you look for good, you find good.

Master Artist "Greg Olsen" - Live on purpose radio 

Master Artist "Greg Olsen" - Live on purpose radio  In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Greg Olsen. Greg is a very accomplished visual artist who specializes with inspirational images. The principles that have allowed Greg to be successful as an artist apply to any chosen field. Follow your passion, find and engage wise mentors and coaches, and get to work. Greg’s art is available through his website, Your brain is the most powerful super computer in your life. What are you doing each day to program your brain? If you're not programming your brain on purpose, then who is programming it for you? Someone is programming it, you now have a choice to choose your programming information. Search and learn from the best teachers. If you look for it you will find it. If you look for bad, you find bad. If you look for good, you find good.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Healing Your Family History - Rebecca Hintze - live on purpose radio

Healing Your Family History - Rebecca Hintze - live on purpose radio In this episode of Live On Purpose RadPlayerL. Paulis joined by Rebecca Hintze as his inspirational guest. Rebecca and Paul discuss methods to overcome mental, including sub-conscious, barriers and.......??????

"Beyond Illusion" Author Brad Barton - live on purpose radio 

"Beyond Illusion" Author Brad Barton - live on purpose radio  In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews magician, author, and inspirational speaker, Brad Barton.  Brad wrote a book called “Beyond Illusions”.  Interestingly enough, this book, written by a magician, is about not being deceived.  Brad shares some incredible insights that you will find immediately relevant to your life and relationships. Your brain is the most powerful super computer in your life. What are you doing each day to program your brain? If you're not programming your brain on purpose, then who is programming it for you? Someone is programming it, you now have a choice to choose your programming information. Search and learn from the best teachers out there. The secret is to do daily programming on purpose.

"The Speed of Trust" Stephen M.R. Covey - Live on purpose radio

"The Speed of Trust" Stephen M.R. Covey - Live on purpose radioIn this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Stephen M.R. Covey, author of “The Speed of Trust”. Most people know that trust has a lot to do with their willingness to work with an individual or a company. Stephen expertly illustrates the core elements that make up trust, and gives practical guidance on behaviors that can be learned and practiced to increase trust. Mutual friends of Dr. Paul and Stephen, Ken and Vicki Dudley, are in studio to contribute to the conversation. Learn more about Stephen and his work at

International Best Seller - "The No Complaining Rule" "The Energy Bus" - live on purpose radio

"The No Complaining Rule" "The Energy Bus" - live on purpose radio Throughout time, the power of a positive attitude has been taught and emphasized as a prerequisite to success. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by bestselling author, Jon Gordon. Jon is the author of “The No Complaining Rule” as well as the international bestseller, “The Energy Bus.” In the midst of the barrage of negativity in our world, intentionally creating positive energy is a must for anyone who wants peace, success, and productivity. Several suggestions are given to create this effect in your life and to empower those around you; including the “thank you” walk, changing your thinking from “have to” to “get to”, and defining what it is that you love about your problem. A big part of living on purpose is choosing the positive – tell a positive story about your life!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"I walked on Fire" Author Dr.Cameron L. Mosher - Live on purpose radio

"I walked on Fire" Author Dr.Cameron L. Mosher - Live on purpose radio In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Cameron L. Mosher. Cam is a personal empowerment coach, trainer, and author who is passionate about assisting others to see their own limitations and to move beyond their fears to freedom. His key message is that “I’m OK, I’m Just Not Finished Yet,” which is also the title of his book. Cam truly believes that the impossible IS possible, as he provides powerful experiences to people through his ropes course and fire walk. You can learn more about Dr. Cam Mosher and his programs or purchase his book through his website:

Monday, March 30, 2015

Author Speaker "Chad Hymas" Quadriplegic - live on purpose radio

Author Speaker "Chad Hymas" Quadriplegic - live on purpose radio In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Chad Hymas. At the age of 27, Chad was crushed by a large bale of hay on his ranch, and broke three of the vertebrae in his neck, leaving him......????

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Nearer, My God, to Thee — BYU Vocal Point feat. BYU Men's Chorus

Nearer, My God, to Thee — BYU Vocal Point feat. BYU Men's Chorus If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Elder Holland Speaks on Faith, Family and Religious Freedom at Chapman University

Elder Holland Speaks on Faith, Family and Religious Freedom at Chapman University Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discussed the issues of faith, family and religious freedom on the campus of Chapman University on Thursday, February 26, 2015. Elder Holland was on the southern California campus when the Fish Interfaith Center was launched a decade ago, and he returned this week to help the center celebrate its 10th anniversary. If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination News Conference

Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination News Conference If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Is There Scientific Proof Authenticating the Book of Mormon?

Is There Scientific Proof Authenticating the Book of Mormon? Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints addresses the question of whether there is scientific proof of The Book of Mormon. For more information, visit If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Mormon Temples: A Conversation with a Church Leader

Mormon Temples: A Conversation with a Church Leader On 23 September 2012, President Boyd K. Packer dedicated the Brigham City Utah Temple, the Church's 139th temple. A recently announced open house for the Calgary Alberta Canada Temple, the Church's 140th temple, runs from 29 September through 20 October 2012. This video explains what Mormon temples are and how they differ from chapels, where weekly Sabbath worship takes place. See more information about the Brigham City Utah Temple: and the Calgary Alberta Canada Temple open house: If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven - What you really want in life is to do something lasting and creative

Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven - What you really want in life is to do something lasting and creative Sermon on the Mount: Treasures in Heaven In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches His disciples what it means to be a compassionate follower of His Gospel. Download this video here: Matthew 6:19-21; 7:1-27 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!

Parable of the Good Samaritan - Bible Video - Every Simile Works

Parable of the Good Samaritan A depiction of the Savior's parable of the good Samaritan, in which a man is robbed and beaten by thieves, and a Samaritan shows mercy on him. If you have the internet or a smart phone, subscribe to The Mormon Channel on YouTube for the daily Good News! The gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News! The other news should be called the bad news, they should say, "ok, here is today's bad news." I love you all and thank you for subscribing to the good news, your life will forever be blessed! You have a daily choice to watch and focus on the bad news or to watch and focus on the good news, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is The Good News. If You were touched or inspired here, Thank You for leaving your Name or Comments below as Your Personal Witness. Watch and Share all the Messages found Here, Sharing is Caring! Let The Glory Be To The Father!